How to scent a candle? What scents to use in a scented candle?

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You would like to make scented candles but you are lost among all the proposals that the internet is full of? We explain how to effectively scent your candle.

What type of perfume to choose?

 parfum bougie

You may have already scoured the internet for a scented candle recipe and come across sites that advise you to use essential oils. We will do the opposite:

We do not recommend the use of ESSENTIAL OILS to scent your candles. We do not use it in our own candles.

    Why ? Firstly because essential oils are intended for therapeutic use. Although some smell extremely good, they are not made to perfume. Secondly because they are not made to be heated. It is estimated that for the majority of essential oils, above 40°C, the aromatic molecules released into the air can become toxic. Finally, because, unless you are an aromatherapist yourself, you risk using essential oils in bad conditions.

    What alternative then? We advise you to use PERFUMES SPECIFICALLY DEVELOPED to be used in a CANDLE, and even better, to select them without CMR (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Reprotoxic) and without phthalates in order to avoid any toxic fumes during combustion.

No need to look far, because in France we are lucky to have Grasse, the world-famous capital of perfumery, which offers us extremely qualitative products both in terms of their formulation and the restitution of perfumes during combustion.

How to dose the perfume?

parfumer une bougie

The recommended amount is 7-10% of your amount of wax. No more no less. It's up to you to test the quantity that suits you best, according to your perfume and your sensitivity. Putting more than 10% to have a more concentrated candle would be useless, if not to saturate your wick and cause the opposite effect: poor combustion and therefore an uneven and/or lesser scent return.

When to incorporate the perfume?

comment parfumer une bougie

You should incorporate your perfume once your wax is melted and has reached a certain temperature. Be careful to follow the advice of your wax supplier (look on your package) regarding the temperatures for incorporating the perfume. Then, do not skip the mixture to mix the wax and the perfume well.

Why does my candle not smell when I light it?

Many criteria can explain this phenomenon:

  • the amount of perfume used may not be adequate, too much or too little perfume can lead to an ineffective scent.
  • the wick may be too small or too large. Too small: there is not enough combustion, too big, the wax and the perfume burn too quickly
  • the incorporation of the perfume was done at too low or too high a temperature once your wax was melted.
  • the fragrance and/or used for your candle is of poor quality

    See you soon for new candle tips!
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