Our history and our commitment to respectful candles.


Who is behind Bougie Inwi ?

Fanny, passionate, sensitive, dreamy... Perfectionist and stubborn too.

Since when?

It is in 2020 that the world of the candle opens to me by chance or maybe not so much.
This company, this business, I secretly dreamed of.
Creating with the heart to provide others with a little happiness and comfort, this is my leit-motiv.

A special value?

Respect for your health and our planet is paramount.
That's why I chose to make vegetable candles without toxic substances.

What about manufacturing then?

All the products you will find on this shop are made in France with love
in my studio in the Gard. They are thought, tested and then manufactured and packaged with meticulousness
so that they bring you complete satisfaction.

All raw materials, containers or packaging come from France
or Europe in order to minimize the environmental impact of candles Inwi.


Yes, full, all the time. My head is filled with nice projects.
Some will see the light of day, others probably not, which is safe
it's that I would always put a lot of love and energy into it.
Stay tuned!
